Stone Temple Pilots - Thank You Collage
Stone Temple Pilots - Thank You Paper Collage
It’s been a hot few years (six) since I’ve created any album fan art. With the war in Ukraine, it felt fitting to recreate this sunflower-soaked album cover. I’ve always loved this cover, with the bright yellows and extended arm.
My favorite tracks include Trippin’ on a Hole in a Paper Heart, Creep, Big Bang Baby, Interstate Love Song, and Sour Girl.
This project took many hours over the course of a few weekends, and is by far the most intricate paper collage I’ve made. It involved tons of cutting, repositioning, sticky fingers, and patience. All of the pieces were hand cut and adhered with Mod Podge.
Materials used: Construction paper, X-ACTO knife, Mod Podge, paintbrush, carboard, scissors, paper plates, paper towels, ALVIN cutting mat.
Big shout-out to members of the Wicked Makers Discord who had some great ideas on how to deal with tiny paper cutouts.