Battle Tapes - If Only

Battle Tapes officially released a new song today, If Only. It is incredible, and somehow became my second favorite Battle Tapes song in a matter of hours.

Pretty much every other Battle Tapes song vies for the number three slot, because every other Battle Tapes song is just that insanely effing amazing as well.

The way the different melodies layer upon themselves, the way it builds up and uses some type of sound distortion on the vocals, and the direction that the sound runs off to around the 2:37 mark is just stellar. The music video sends nostalgic, old-school television vibes that I’m here for. I’m espcially here for the 2:37 mark in the music video where Josh, Riley and the gang look like they are having the time of their lives. I cannot wait to dance my shoes off at a live gig during this song, if I ever get to see them perform.

I have been working on more artwork for my Fault Line series, but this song is pulling me in an entirely different direction.


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