HEALTH - DISCO4 :: Part II Lite Brite Art

Just stop pretending you feel the same /

If nothing matters, we're all to blame /

We've all surrendered to those we serve /

We get the world we all deserve

A little Lite Brite in honor of HEALTH. I got to see them perform last night at the Grog Shop, one of my favorite venues.

For this piece, I was limited by the number of red pegs I had. The red pegs are only available in the Stranger Things Lite Brite edition. In the regular edition, the red pegs are replaced with pink pegs. As a result, I wasn’t able to make the glitch effect.

It took me a long while to build out the skull just right, as I kept making the jaw too short.

HEALTH, Author & Punisher, and Blind Equation put on great shows. It was sold out and we were packed in there like sardines, but it was really fun. The crowd was friendly and enthusiastic. I had a good view of John Famiglietti, the bassist for HEALTH who sports some rad long hair, and I kept wondering how knotted his hair would be after the performance.

The last time I was at the Grog Shop was waaaaay back in 2016 when I saw EVE 6. Looking forward to seeing more bands there in the future.


Battle Tapes - Texture Release Show


Battle Tapes - One Night in Burbank Lite Brite Art